Our software simplifies production. It provides consistent workflow, and all staff can see in one place what
needs to be done, what the timelines are, and who is responsible.
In the production module, staff can see key details like the suggested retail price, number of pages, colour specifications, and then drill down into detail. You can quickly create default sets of tasks that are required to publish with target dates to complete.
All relevant documents related to a title are stored like cover art and contracts with authors.
Links to the involved authors, reviewers, editors, and other third parties are connected to so that you can easily email them directly from the system.
The production module provides tracking to make sure that ISBN numbers has been assigned, revisions have been proofed, and cover artists have been contracted make sure that key production items are not missed.
Specific instructions to designers ad printers can be stored and transmitted from production.
All staff working on a title can see and share all this information with each other, dramatically improving the speed and quality of communication.
Our software organizes and centralizes all the workflow required to publish and market. Our experienced team has worked in the publishing industry for years and will answer any questions you may have.
2156 Glenfield Road
Oakville, Ontario, L6M 3S6